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How to Block and Activate call forwading in samsung JSeries

Hello guyZ.
Today i will tel you about how to block and activate call forwading in samsung j
Jseries phones
Samsung has intoduced a new feature  in samsung  j series which helps us to forward calls even when our phones are switched off
So to acrivate this follow the follwing steps:
  1. From any Home screen, tap Phone.
  2. Tap 3 dots > Settings.
  3. Tap More settings.
  4. Tap Call forwarding.
  5. Tap Always forward.
  6. Enter the phone number to forward your calls to.
  7. Tap TURN ON.

Call forwarding conditional

Call Forwarding Conditional (CFC) forwards incoming calls to another phone number if you do not or cannot answer them (no reply, busy, unavailable).

  1. From any Home screen, tap Phone.
  2. Tap 3 dots > Settings.
  3. Tap More settings.
  4. Tap Call forwarding.
  5. Tap the desired option:
    • Forward when busy
    • Forward when unanswered
    • Forward when unreachable
  6. Enter the phone number to forward your calls to.
  7. Tap TURN ON.

The number +18056377249 is your voicemail number. If you change this number, calls for the desired option will no longer forward to voicemail.

Cancel call forwarding

  1. From any Home screen, tap Phone.
  2. Tap 3 dots > Settings.
  3. Tap More settings.
  4. Tap Call forwarding.
  5. Tap Always forward.
  6. Tap Turn off.

Caller ID settings

  1. From any Home screen, tap Phone.
  2. Tap 3 dots > Settings.
  3. Tap More settings.
  4. Tap Show my caller ID and select one of the following options:
    • Network default
    • Hide number
    • Show number

Reset call log

  1. From any Home screen, tap the green Phone icon.
  2. Tap the Recents tab.
  3. Tap 3 dots > Delete.
  4. Select the individual logs you want to delete or place a check in the ALL option.
  5. Tap DELETE.

View call log

  1. From any Home screen, tap the green Phone icon.
  2. Tap the Recents tab to view the call logs.
  3. Tap any call listed to see more details about that number.


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